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The Gen-i BlogNicola MacPhail

Five Things I’ve Learned from Yvon Chouinard.

Five Things I’ve Learned from Yvon Chouinard.

Lessons from Yvon Chouinard, the CEO of Patagonia. He’s one of my idols, really. Every book he’s written I’ve devoured. Every time I see an interview with him, a podcast or an article, I track it down and pour over it. I think he has a lot to teach us all about what business can […]

Use Mindfulness to Break Bad Habits.

Use Mindfulness to Break Bad Habits.

The Secret to Breaking Bad Habits: Mindfulness! Habits, to me, are an inexhaustibly interesting phenomenon. But whilst we’ve talked a lot about building new habits, it’s worth taking a moment to gain some perspective on those bad habits – and how to break them. The answer to this question is, in itself, a multi-million-dollar industry. […]

What is Your Zone of Genius?

What is Your Zone of Genius?

Your zone of genius includes those activities that you love and at which you are brilliant. Focus on these and let yourself and your business thrive.

HOW to Thrive through Change.

HOW to Thrive through Change.

Let’s think change differently. It’s time to think how we can thrive in change – how can we can create an image of change that is no longer painful.

What Motivates Us to Work?

What Motivates Us to Work?

The vast majority of us don’t just work for money. Rather, what we are seeking is meaning, acknowledgement, challenge, and achievement.

Why Do We Sleep?

Why Do We Sleep?

You sleep for 36% of your life. That’s 32 years of sleep across a lifetime, if you live until ninety…

The Five Chairs

The Five Chairs

Are you aware of your behaviour? Find out how it shapes the culture of a business…

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