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Seven Ways to Beat New Year’s Resolution Syndrome in 2021.

Seven Ways to Beat New Year’s Resolution Syndrome in 2021.

Don’t Let New Year’s Resolution Syndrome Strike! With the New Year just about here, that familiar question will have been bouncing around living rooms across the country: What’s your New Year’s resolution? Let’s face it 2020 was a tough one, but hopefully now things are on the up, and our attention turns to what we […]

Why Your Change Needs Momentum.

Why Your Change Needs Momentum.

Setting Goals is Not Sufficient. Here’s Why Your Change Needs Momentum. Find out more about why your change needs momentum – and how to achieve it – in my article Five Tips for Building Momentum for Change. What is success? And how do we measure successful performance? These are questions that academics, business leaders, and […]

Five Things I’ve Learned from Yvon Chouinard.

Five Things I’ve Learned from Yvon Chouinard.

Lessons from Yvon Chouinard, the CEO of Patagonia. He’s one of my idols, really. Every book he’s written I’ve devoured. Every time I see an interview with him, a podcast or an article, I track it down and pour over it. I think he has a lot to teach us all about what business can […]

What is Your Zone of Genius?

What is Your Zone of Genius?

Your zone of genius includes those activities that you love and at which you are brilliant. Focus on these and let yourself and your business thrive.

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