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The Gen-i Blog

For all you need to know on the ‘HOW’ Skill Set. Read on…

Five Ways to Boost Your Productivity

Feel the Benefits of Productivity with these Five Tips on HOW to Protect Your Time. In my last article, Want to Stop Getting Distracted?, I outlined the issues related to distraction in the workplace and offered a solution to this problem. That solution is protected...

Five Steps to a To-Do List That’s Actually Doable.

Too Many People Write To-Do Lists Wrongly. Here’s HOW to Make a To-Do List that’s Actually Doable. A list of vague wishes. A series of complex tasks or multifaceted projects. Maybe a collection of intentions, goals, or aspirations. If this is what it looks like,...

What is Resilience?

What is resilience? I recently asked a group this question. Interestingly, there was a degree of uncertainty around their answers, many of which were vague. This raised an interesting thought – if we know we want to be resilient but can’t outline what it is, how can...

Why We’re Procrastinating More During Lockdown

On Procrastination and Emotional Regulation In my last article, I wrote about how people across the country are finding ways to pursue personal development in lockdown. Yet, I don’t want to pretend that it is all going swimmingly all the time. For most of us, it is a...

Seven Ways to Beat New Year’s Resolution Syndrome in 2021.

Don't Let New Year's Resolution Syndrome Strike! With the New Year just about here, that familiar question will have been bouncing around living rooms across the country: What's your New Year’s resolution? Let's face it 2020 was a tough one, but hopefully now things...

What to Expect When Facing Challenges

I was recording my Monday Motivation video for my Gen-ius Network Members this morning, this week's topic was about challenges and I felt inspired to write an article on the topic too! We all face challenges every day - from the small, emerging from your warm bed on a...

Why You Need Routine in Your Day.

The HOW Skill Set is all about the creation of structure, rituals, and routine in your day. It makes you more productive and enables you to make your implementation plans a reality. Find out more about this in my article on work-life balance. Now, let’s talk about why...

Why You Should Use a Journal to Reflect on Your Life.

It’s Really Important to Make Time to Reflect. That’s Why I Use a Journal. Having been away last week – that’s why there was no newsletter, apologies! – and given that there was some long travel involved, I enjoyed a bit of time to journal and take time to reflect....

HOW to Work from Home Effectively: Three Tips

Working from Home Takes Some Getting Used To. Here are My Top Tips on How to Work from Home Effectively Transitioning from office work to working from home is not always easy. And, whilst it brings its frustrations, working in-office does have some perks that we often...

Why Micro-Learning is the Future

With Micro-Learning We Can Flatten the Forgetting Curve In a recent article I talked about the forgetting curve, the diagram that describes the speed with which we forget the things we’ve learned. If the Ebbinghaus’s curve defines the problem, micro-learning is the...

We’re Acing Personal Development in Lockdown

Making the Most of Personal Growth During Lockdown Whilst the UK is opening up, the Covid-19 pandemic is far from over, with scientists scientists warning that we may just be months into a lifelong relationship with the virus. New ways of living are inevitable, with...

HOW to avoid Overwhelm.

Want to avoid overwhelm? Here's the key skill you need to learn. Change in work and life, as we’ve discussed before, is often construed as something requiring grit, endurance, effort, and endless self-restraint. We’re taught to see it like an endless fight with...

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